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The waiting has come and gone and the Apple iPhone 7 has arrived. It has been on people’s lips ever since, if you’re going to buy a phone, the new iPhone is the one to get. The software is awesome, the camera is better, slightly longer battery life, fast innards and new from Apple, water resistance. The introduction to earphone jacks has received enormous stance and people are loving it.

The camera is probably the biggest hardware upgrade in terms of its low-light capability, and combined with the water-resistant nature of the iPhone 7 it’s perfect for when you want to capture and store favorable memories with friends and family or just the scenery or are just obsessed with taking snaps of pets, I am pretty sure, it will make you feel like a professional photographer.

The water resistance gives confidence in heftiness of the device. Nothing is more soothing than knowing you don’t have to be cautious when handling your device in the shower or while swimming hahaha. While you at it, you may now just listen to your music while showering and/or doing any water activity at ease. Only the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus are water-resistant, but Apple hasn’t made a fully waterproof iPhone. So it’s making it easier to avoid potential water damage with the iOS 10 update.

Now, lets talk software. The Apple’s new iOS10 is one of the best the Apple entity has constructed, its impressive to say the least- and absolutely free to download. It will be an excellent upgrade as it has improved all that was, that is pivotal to a device and kept it simple in design yet sophisticated as Apple is legendary for.