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Many of us iPhone users ask ourselves how to erase Documents and Data and gain more free space whilst still allowing the phone to run smoothly.

The following applications contribute towards taking up this space and are called Stock Apps. You can clear the following from these Apps in order to free space:


Clear cached data, history, cookies and reading lists


Clear messages and conversations with a build up of threads. Clear iMessages and SMSs.


Clear data pile-up. You can delete email address from phone and then re-add it which will delete all data and leave it refreshed


Remove all music from iPhone, re-sync it through computer Therefore clearing cache and creating free space

Photo Stream

You can turn off Photo Stream by going to Settings then iCloud then Photo Stream


Delete all your voicemails which will clear part of your Documents and Data

Third-party apps

Delete Data wherever possible and delete then re-install apps

iCloud documents

Remove in settings under Documents and Data and remove each document individually

PhoneClean is an application especially used for clearing temporary data.

There is iExplorer and iFunbox which also help clear data however you may run the risk of affecting applications functionality.