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It was thought that we were meant to keep up with technology but nowadays its the other way. We expect the fastest, most reliable technology. We are too fast for our phones. The technology experts have to constantly update and improve processing speeds. The general make-up of our phones also needs to look good enough and perform to meet our high standards.

Why do we put so much pressure on something we barely understand ourselves? Perhaps we take it for granted. As a matter of interest, recent studies show that 91.7% of South Africans use a Smartphone. We are therefore a part of this demanding society. Just as we fall in love with the latest Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge, we are already thinking about what more we could have. We want perhaps a Smartphone that releases a scent? We want perhaps an application on the Apple iStore or Android Play Store that allows you to do a professional video interview for the job we desire to have? Why don’t we just send our Smartphones to do the interview for us?

Within just several years we have gone from black and white phones that could simply place and receive calls- to a Smartphone with magical colours that: Records and streams video in HD quality, Takes High resolution SLR quality photo’s Play, stream and record music, Acts as a notepad, dictator and voice recorder, Connects at LTE speed to the internet, Messaging apps to chat, share media and even call, Fitness tracking apps such as Digifit iCardio and Cyclemeter,

And so much more. Its no wonder we have such high standards of what to expect next. Just a thought.